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NearVision CK® (Conductive Keratoplasty)

Conductive Keratoplasty is a relatively new procedure that uses radio waves to shrink collagen tissue within the cornea treating low to moderate farsightedness and presbyopia and bring near vision back in focus.

How does CK work?

Using a small probe, thinner than a strand of human hair, a controlled release of radio waves are applied in a circular pattern on the outer cornea to shrink small areas of collagen. This creates a restrictive band, like the tightening of a belt, which increases the curvature of the cornea.

CK makes the cornea steeper and increases its focusing power.

Presbyopia is an inevitable age-related eye condition that makes it difficult to read or see objects up close without the use of reading glasses. Presbyopia is the first sign of cataracts and is the most prevalent eye condition in America. It causes the crystalline lens to increasingly stiffen, lose flexibility and cloud, diminishing its focusing ability.

What to expect on the day of your procedure:


NearVision CK® does not require a surgical facility. First, your eye will be completely numbed with powerful eye drop anesthesia. When your eye is completely numb, an eyelid holder will be placed between your eyelids to keep you from blinking during the procedure.


Then either sitting upright as if undergoing an eye exam or lying back, you'll be asked to look at the microscope light. Your eye will be marked with a series of dots. Your surgeon will touch the dots with the probe making a full circle around the outer margins of the cornea. Depending on the amount of correction needed. As the dots are touched, heat from the radio waves shrinks the tissue, producing a clenching effect that creates a more curved cornea. Some patients elect to have only one eye treated to give them monovision.

NearVision CK® is for those who:


  • Want to reduce or eliminate their dependence on glasses, reading glasses or contacts

  • Have difficulty with close vision

  • Are at least 40 years of age

  • Have not had a significant change in their vision for one year

  • Have no health issues affecting their eyes

  • Have not had previous vision correction surgery

  • Are not pregnant or nursing


What is Presbyopia?

There will be eight to 32 treatment points.  Soon after the procedure, your eyes will be examined and you will go home and relax for the rest of the day. For the first couple of days, you may experience some scratchiness in your eyes, or excessive watering. This rapidly improves and medications can be taken to relieve any discomfort. Normal activities are generally resumed within a day or two. While many patients see improvement in their near vision immediately after the procedure, it usually takes a few weeks to several months for vision to stabilize and the results to be fully realized. As with other vision correction procedures, you may experience some discomfort and light sensitivity (glare or halos) for a few days following NearVision CK®.

Realistic expectations:


The decision to have NearVision CK® is an important one that only you can make. The goal of any refractive surgical procedure is to reduce your dependence on corrective lenses. However, we cannot guarantee you will have the results you desire.


Because NearVision CK® is minimally invasive, the procedure has exhibited very minimal risk and almost no side effects. During the first 24 to 48 hours after NearVision CK®, you may experience tearing and some discomfort. You may also experience slight over-correction of your vision, which stabilizes during the following weeks.

What are my other options to read without glasses if I don't have CK?


“We look at all options,” says Dr. Weir.  “We always evaluate which procedure will help our patients get their best vision for their lifestyle.  Sometimes that is Near Vision CK, but sometimes its monovision LASIK or PRK or a lens implant procedure RLE with the new multifocal lens implants.

What to Expect after the CK procedure


  • Dimmer vision indoors or at night compared to outside or in bright lights

  • Mild to moderate burning, watering and irritation for 2-3 days

  • Glare or halos, especially when driving at night, for about 1 month

  • Slight over correction of your vision for a few weeks

  • Distant objects may appear blurry, but near objects should be very clear

  • Expect your vision to “stabilize” in approximately 1 to 3 months




  • No rubbing the eye(s) for 2 months

  • No eye make-up for 3 days – You may resume moisturizer and/or foundation the following day.

  • Wear eye(s) shield at bedtime for the first night

  • You may bathe or shower but avoid direct water or shampoo in eyes

  • No swimming for 2 weeks including pools, lakes, oceans, hot tubs, and saunas

  • No exercise for the first full day after your procedure

  • Protect your eye from the sun and wind

  • Wear eye protection in situations such as contact sports


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